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6 Things to do in Yerevan __ Exploring Armenia's Pink City.jfif

Our projects

It is important to us to promote sustainability with each of our company incorporations. Therefore our mission is to support both social and economic projects with each company we establish. Some of our numerous projects in detail: 

The Cultural Wonders_ Armenia’s Top 10 Tourist Hotspots.jfif

In cooperation with our partner, the National Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship of the RA, we are taking co-working space to a whole new level. In the jointly operated co-working space,  we create a networking space for both our German and Armenian start-ups and young entrepreneurs c. 

German-Armenian co-working space

A worldwide street style blog by Yvan Rodic.jfif

Treasures of Armenia

With "Treasures of Armenia" we want to strengthen sustainability in the regions and create jobs for farmers, as well as bring exceptionally tasty Armenian products such as wine, herbs, and honey all the way to Europe. Quality is a top priority for us, because our products are finite and exclusive. What is the secret of our exclusive products? The purest water from Mount Ararat, more than seven months of pure sunshine at an average altitude of 1500 m. above sea level and both traditional and innovative farming practices result in a taste explosion on the palate. If you want to know how you can taste the most delicious products yourself and support the farmers in the process, please contact us.



Project "APAGA"

Apagan mern e - the future belongs to us - this is the name of a heartfelt project that we support. And by saying "us" we mean the children of Kindergarten No. 61 in Davitashen/Yerevan, an inclusive kindergarten for socially disadvantaged children. For this and many other reasons we feel obliged not only to make the kindergarten a place of learning and joy, but also to create a little paradise full of  books, educational games and decorative playgrounds. Together for the next generation, together for the future. 


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